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Monster High: Boo York, Boo York - A Monsterrific Musical! (OST) - Rajtam áll a show [Steal the Show] Лирицс транслатион то енглисх

English Align paragraphs

Steal the Show

This circle of light is my proper place
So that the night star can shine
A thousand trombones are are droning: Here stands a star!
I deserve it!
Who'll win, who'll come out victorious today?
One girl against everyone!
A serene sea of lights, champagne, caviar and fame awaits me!
There's no doubt about it, I'm a marvel
Because my smile is mind blowing
Here's the ultimate natural talent
Toralei, with me, every show will be top-notch!
This will be a show to behold!
My dear!
Step down fast, relinquish the stage!
This isn't you, you're simply stealing others' voices!
A fake star, who's close to being eligible for prison food! That's what awaits you!
Her name is Toralei, or maybe Tora-larva?1
Your real voice is so awful!
A bad yowling, a cat meowing
A total disappointment!
Therefore this career is absurd for you!
C'mon, scoot, get off the stage!
You know, I'm the one who is needed here, go to sleep!
There's no show without Luna!
I'm bringing the good stuff
It's a bluff that you're great!
You're just a blowhard!
You won't fool anyone, you're a common fraud!
This show, these lights, they're all for me!
It's all waiting for me!
And the main rule of the stage is
That only those who have talent, should get up on it!
At least a tiny bit! Fake-Catty!
Yes, that's what you are!
Not bad, but your plan didn't work out!
I'm tremendously sorry but this trick is rather weak!
If you want to steal a show
You should be more skilled, that's the problem!
Sweetie pie, your imitation of me is crappy and sneaky!
But your sweating is useless, it's a fact!
You need to have style, you've failed!
Did you realize this?
There's no doubt about it, I'm a marvel
Because my smile is mind blowing
Here's the real natural talent
Honey, with me, every show will be top-notch!
This will be a show to behold!
There's no doubt about it, I'm a marvel
Because my smile is mind blowing
Here's the ultimate natural talent
That's what's important, with me, every show will be top-notch!
There's no doubt about it, I'm a marvel
Because my smile is mind blowing
Here's the real natural talent
Honey, with me, every show will be top-notch!
I'm carrying this show!
This will be a show to behold!
I'm carrying this show!

Још текстова песама из овог уметника: Monster High: Boo York, Boo York

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Mekartur park

Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Proleće nikad nije čekalo na nas, devojko
Trčalo je korak ispred
Dok smo ga pratili u plesu

Između razdvojenih stranica
Bili smo pritisnuti
U ljubavnom, vrelom gvožđu
Kao prugaste pantalone

Mekarturov park se topi u mraku
Sva slatka zelena glazura ističe
Neko je ostavio tortu na kiši
Mislim da to ne mogu da podnesem
Zato što je trebalo toliko vremena da se ispeče
I nikad više neću imati taj recept
Oh, ne!

Sećam se žute pamučne haljine
Penila se kao talas
Na tlu ispod tvojih kolena
Ptica kao nežnih beba u tvojim rukama
A starci su igrali
Kineske dame
Pored drveća

Mekarturov park se topi u mraku
Sva slatka zelena glazura ističe
Neko je ostavio tortu na kiši
Mislim da to ne mogu da podnesem
Zato što je trebalo toliko vremena da se ispeče
I nikad više neću imati taj recept
Oh, ne!

Biće još jedna pesma za mene
I pevaću je
Za mene će biti još jedan san
Neko će ga doneti
Piću vino dok je još toplo
I nećeš me uhvatiti da
Gledam u sunce, o da
I posle svih ljubavi mog života
Posle svih ljubavi u mom životu
Ti ćeš biti ta

Uzeću život u svoje ruke
I iskoristiću ga
Zadobiću obožavanje u njihovim očima
I izgubiti ga
Imaću stvari koje želim
I moj tok strasti
Kao reke kroz nebo
Oh i posle svih ljubavi u mom životu
Posle svih ljubavi u mom životu
I dalje ćeš biti ta
I pitaću se zašto

Mekarturov park se topi u mraku
Sva slatka zelena glazura ističe
Neko je ostavio tortu na kiši
Mislim da to ne mogu da podnesem
Zato što je trebalo toliko vremena da se ispeče
I nikad više neću imati taj recept


Click to see the original lyrics (English)

Vreme, on čeka na krilima
Priča o besmislenim stvarima
Njegov scenario je dečko ti i ja

Vreme, on se izvijapoput kurve
Pada na podu drkanje
Ti i ja dečko trik njegov je

Bensadin u vinu crvenom
Bili Dols zahtevni
I ostali moji drugovi
Ne žuri

Snajper u mozgu što izlučevinu podrigiva
Incestan i sujetan
I mnogo ostalih prezimena
Pa dobro na sat gledam
Kaže 9:15 i pomišljam
'O bože, još uvek živ sam'

Trebali bi da krenemo do sada
Trebali bi da idemo do sada
La la la la la

Nisi ti žrtva
Samo vrištiš od dosade
Ne isteruješ vreme

Ding-dong - izgledaš staro dovraga
Smrznućeš se uhvatiće te prehlada
Jer kaput ostavio si
Nemoj žuriti

Raskid je težak
Ali mrsko je čuvanje mraka
Imao sam toliko snova
Toliko otkrića

Ali ljubavi moja ti bila si ljubazna
Ali ljubav te je bez snova ostavila
Vrata ka snovima bila su zatvorena
Tvoj park je bio stvaran i bez snova

Sada se možda smeješ
Kroz tamu ovu se osmehuješ
Ali sve što sam imao dati
Krivica za snevanje bila je

Trebali bi do sada da krenemo
Trebali bi do sada da krenemo
Trebali bi do sada da krenemo
Trebali bi da krenemo do sada
La la la la

Da, vreme


Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation

But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy

Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended
A bright magic
full of wonder
was this minute of infatuation

But the heart is cold
when dreams have died
And the darkness tremble
Every word feels trite
We were together
Meant to be
Now I walk alone
with my melancholy

Dark moments
When he left
a fairytale ended



From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are mine.

Imitate me.
Do as you're told.
Make yourself comfortable.
So that the cracks in your broken heart will be less noticeable.

From now on, you are my servant.
From now on, you are my servant.
From now on you will be my servant
From now on you are my servant
From now on, you are mine.

Imitate me.
Just let it all out.
At least let it out so I can forget.
I wish for you to be able to move on from your brokenness.
May we be able to look forward together forever.

I'll keep on fooling you. Keep on being fooled?